ΓÇó When creating new scrap files, place them (or aliases of them) in the System Folder (or the ScrapIt Folder within the System Folder) so the files can be accessed through the ΓÇ£Scrap FilesΓÇ¥ hierarchical menu in the ΓÇ£FileΓÇ¥ menu.
ΓÇó If you are editing text, you can save any changes and move to the next (or previous) scrap item by holding down the Option key while pressing the left, right, up or down arrow key.
ΓÇó You can close all open scrap files by holding down the Option key while clicking in a windows close box.
ΓÇó If you are in list, thumbnail or gallery mode and the sorting option is not on, you can re-order items in the scrap file by clicking the currently selected item and dragging it to a new position. The item will be placed before the item you dragged to.
Example, you have a scrap file with three scrap items, to move the last item into the first item position try the following:
1. Select the last item by clicking on it.
2. Click the last item again and drag (you notice a different outline) until the first item is hilited. Now release the mouse button.
3. That's it, the last item should have moved into the spot before the first item.
ΓÇó If you are going to be dealing with very large pictures or scrap items, it'd be a good idea to increase the preferred memory for ScrapIt Pro (by using the Get Info command from the Finder).
ΓÇó When a picture is the current item, you can toggle between the lasso and the selection tool by pressing (and holding) the Command key.
ΓÇó Hold down the Option key while selecting a file to open from the Scrap Files menu (in the File menu) or from the pop-up Scrap Files menu in a window to close the topmost window before opening the selected file
ΓÇó To access ScrapIt Pro from the Apple menu, put the ScrapIt Pro application (or an alias of the application) into the Apple Menu Items Folder (within the System Folder).
ΓÇó When in list or thumbnail mode, clicking the area between the list and the current item will allow you to resize the list.
ΓÇó If you have Drag & Drop you can drag any item from a scrap file by Option-clicking an item in the list even if it's not the current item.
ΓÇó While viewing a PICT, GIF or JPEG you can use the PageUp, PageDown, Home and End keys to scroll vertically. Hold the Shift key while using the keys PageUp, PageDown, Home and End keys to scroll horizontally.
ΓÇó You can "minimize" a scrap window by option-clicking the Gallery Mode icon or holding down the option key while selecting the ΓÇ£Gallery ViewΓÇ¥ option from the ΓÇ£ViewΓÇ¥ menu.
ΓÇó While viewing a TEXT or sfrm (form) item, you can shift the focus between the item and the list by hitting Option-Tab.